Marcella Durand, Joe Eliott and Robert Thompson

authorMarcella Durand’s chapbook, Rays of the Shadow, a collection of interlinked poems based on the alexandrine, is forthcoming this February from Tent Editions. Another chapbook, Le Jardin de M. (Garden of M.), translated by Olivier Brossard into French, was published in a bilingual edition this December by Joca Seria Editions. Her other books include Deep Eco Pre, a collaboration with Tina Darragh, AREA, Traffic & Weather, Western Capital Rhapsodies, City of Ports and Lapsus Linguae.

2Q==Joe Elliot ran a weekly reading series at Biblios Bookstore in New York City for many years. He co-edited two chapbook series: A Musty Bone and Situations, and is the author of numerous chapbooks of his own, including: You Gotta Go In It’s the Big Game, Poems to be Centered on Much Much Larger Pieces of Paper, 15 Clanking Radiators, 14 Knots, Reduced, Half Gross (a collaboration with artist John Koos),and Object Lesson (a collaboration with artist Rich O’Russa). Granary Books published If It Rained Here (a collaboration with artist Julie Harrison). His long poem, 101 Designs for the World Trade Center, was published by Faux Press as an e-book in 2003. Collections of his work include Opposable Thumb (subpress, 2006), Homework (Lunar Chandelier, 2010), and Idea for a B Movie (Free Scholars Press, 2016). For many years, Joe made a living as a letterpress printer. He now teaches English at Edward R. MurrowHigh School, and lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Anne Noonan, and their three sons.

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Robert Thompson – Born in New Haven, raised in Milwaukee, tempered in Brooklyn, taught and studied at CUNY, works at Touro College, wrote The Pear Tree’s Winter and City of Water. Wrote:

Identity Smeared by Sorcery
Blood stains on white tennis shorts
are like
orange sunsets over cluster-fucked villages,
are like
having a coke bottle moment
are like
repeating trouble when no trouble is come
are like
a gland throbs sotto voce
are like
waterfalls where up goes